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Small Town Banking With A Personal Touch

Home > Join & Apply > Loan Applications > Co-Maker Loan Application


  1. $15.00 NON-REFUNDABLE loan application fee at the time you submit your application
  2. Complete the loan application along with the references.
  3. Check Stubs - Most recent within 30 days; ex. 1- monthly, 3-bi-weekly, 2-semi-monthly, 4-weekly, self-employed - last two consecutive complete tax returns.

*** If you have additional questions, do not hesitate to contact the loan department at (225) 687-4836***


* Required Fields
Application Type:


 /   / 
Are you a member of Iberville Federal Credit Union?
DEBT PROTECTION: Are you interested in having your loan covered with debt protection?

Disclaimer:  If you answer “yes”, the credit union will disclose the cost to protect your loan.  The protection is voluntary and does not affect your loan approval.  In order for your loan to be covered, you will need to sign a separate application that explains the terms and conditions.


Birth Date:
 /   / 
Social Security Number:
 -   - 

If present residence less than 2 years, complete next 2 lines

Starting Date:
 /   / 
Pay Schedule:

Is any income likely to be reduced before this loan is paid off?

If employed by present employer less than 3 years, complete next 2 lines.

I have the following accounts: (other than Iberville Federal Credit Union)
Checking Account:
Savings Account:



Date of Loan:
 /   / 
Past Due:


Date of Loan:
 /   / 
Past Due:

Auto Loan

Date of Loan:
 /   / 
Past Due:

Credit Union

Date of Loan:
 /   / 
Past Due:

Credit Card

Date of Loan:
 /   / 
Past Due:

Credit Card

Date of Loan:
 /   / 
Past Due:

Credit Card

Date of Loan:
 /   / 
Past Due:

Alimony, Child Support, etc.

Date of Loan:
 /   / 
Past Due:


Date of Loan:
 /   / 
Past Due:


Date of Loan:
 /   / 
Past Due:

If you answer "YES" to any of the following questions please explain on a separate sheet.

Have you any outstanding judgments?
Have you ever filed for bankruptcy or had a debt adjustment plan confirmed under Chapter 13?
Have you had property foreclosed upon or repossessed in the last 7 years?
Are you a party in a lawsuit?
Are you other than a U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien?
Everything that I have stated in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. If there are any important changes, I will immediately notify the credit union.  I will also notify the credit union in the event of any changes in my name, address, or employment within a reasonable time thereafter. I promise that the above information is a complete listing of all my debts and obligations. I authorize the credit union to obtain credit reports in connection with this application for credit and for any update, renewal, or extension of the credit received. If requested the credit union will tell the name and address of any credit bureau from which a credit report is received. I understand that it is a federal crime to willfully and deliberately provide incomplete or incorrect information on loan applications made to Federal Credit Unions or State Chartered Unions insured by NCUA.

Application must be filled out in its entirety before being processed by loan officer.


Relationship Status:


Please list two (2) references - relatives who do not live with you.

References may be verified

Security Code: